The phrase ‘Content is king’ now sounds cliché in the industry, but it is strengthening its position with every passing year as well as Google update. Since their arrival, Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird and Fred have not been asleep or resting, but they are fully active and maturing, warning the marketers to ‘mend their ways’ or else there will be no ranking and now traffic for the ones who stick to their ‘crooked marketing ways’ according to Google. Here I assure you that ‘Content Marketing’ will further strengthen its position in 2018.

The benefits of content marketing are colossal and its proper techniques will help you reap the benefits to the fullest i.e. top SERP rankings, high volume of traffic and a great exposure on social media. Here we will have a detailed look at the advantages of content marketing.

Undeniable Benefits of Content Marketing to Dominate Your Niche in 2018

There are many advantages and disadvantages of content marketing and this post aims discuss them in detail so that you can necessarily gear up yourself to stay ahead by putting adequate time and efforts in this regard.

Content Marketing Helps You Boost Your SEO Campaigns.

Once upon a time in Google Town, on-page keyword stuffing and low quality offline content for backlinks were given huge favors and higher SERP rankings. But it is no more the case now, since Sheriff Panda and Detective Penguin took control. Fully armed with their modern approach and the latest technologies, they actually have paved the way for genuine marketers to use content marketing for bearing the sweet fruits of their SEO campaigns. If done rightly, one of the best and most desired benefits of content marketing is a boost SEO campaigns.

Get Higher Volume of Traffic to Your Website

With a consistent flow of publishing content of high value, you will start receiving more and more traffic to your site in a while. When you keep sharing highly appropriate and helpful content in your niche, the online visitors will be attracted to your source of publishing which is your site. The same attracted traffic will bring more visitors via sharing on social media and giving a link back to your website from their own websites. In the end, you will have higher traffic volume you desire.

content marketing benefits

Potential Lead Generation

  • Do you directly go to the store and buy the things you need?
  • Do you buy the things you need after surfing on the internet?

It is highly likely that you are also used to surfing online before you head to the store. In fact, it has now become the norm to buy things in this way. Today’s customers have easy access to the resources which let them make informed decisions while shopping. The smart marketers take full advantage of this practice of today’s customers and here content marketing is their best ally. In short, with your relevant and helpful content, you can generate leads of the potential buyers. And remember that it will be a quality lead, so generate worthy content.

A Key Ingredient in Successful Sales Funnel Recipe

As a marketer, you must know what sales funnel is and how lengthy and slow the process can be of converting a prospect in to a buyer. To speed up the whole process from bringing visitors to generate leads and making sales, the right approach, type, time and frequency of content can be a catalyst i.e. persuading the visitor to buy our product/service faster than the conventional way of following sales funnel.

For Quality Content Marketing Help, Discuss Your Requirements Now!

Increased Sales

So you have got the potential leads, what next? Of course, sales should be the next activity! But how? Again, content is your solution!

Half the battle is already won with lead generation as your prospect has been familiarized with you, so this time you have to come up with a more convincing content to ensure the sales.

Now you approach your prospects with more and direct details of your product/service, precisely answering why you are the solution your prospects have been looking for.

increase sales with content marketing

Impactful & Authoritative Branding

A brand with greater impact among its audience does so by presenting, helpful, valuable and reliable content. A brand can actually earn the trust of its target audience before they buy the product with right content marketing strategy. In fact, your brand’s reputation is directly proportional to the quality of your content marketing, being one of the greatest allies of branding.

Strong Social Media Presence

When did you log in your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or any other social media account? Such a stupid question, right? I guess you are already logged on Facebook or Twitter right now.

It is a routine that you generate content in some form and share it on social media accounts, so that followers can reach it quickly and easily, and is that it? No, the objective is achieved when your followers eagerly share it with their friends and followers, bringing in more and more traffic to your social media as well as website. Only a cautiously created content marketing plan can do it for you, one of the biggest advantages of content marketing.

Strengthened Relationship with Your Customers

When you are in business, handling customers will always be a critical point for you, and it even matters more in online businesses, though offline businesses need it the same way now because of the ease of communication customer can have today.

You can know answer to most of the customer queries, resolve their issues, and let potential buyers know about your product or services with your content.

The usage of section on website such as FAQs, blog and similar information sources can provide immediate solution to your customers without any hassle.

A Syncing Agent for All Marketing Channels

Marketing techniques are quite extensive today and syncing them all is a tall order, but content is one syncing agent to work for all the marketing techniques and channels alone.

Easy-on-the-Pocket & Long-Term Marketing Method

Content marketing is a time-consuming task, but it brings you long-term results. For example, when you run a PPC campaign, it stops yielding any results as soon as it is stopped. In case of content marketing, it keeps on bringing organic traffic for a longer time from the dates of different publications, even after you have stopped promoting those pieces of publications anymore. It simply indicates that this way of marketing is less expensive than other traditional ways of marketing.

Present Yourself as an Industry Expert

content marketing expert

People always prefer listening to and following the experts in the industry; to become an expert in your industry, you need to showcase your knowledge on multiple information sharing platforms as well as on your own website. What else could be better than doing it with content marketing??? In simple words, content marketing lets you establish yourself as the expert in your industry without any doubt.

When you apply the content marketing the right way, you will come to know many more benefits of content marketing and your belief in ‘content is king’ will also strengthen for sure. But remember that Sheriff Panda and Detective Penguin are always on the watch and we are certain that their watch is not going to end any time soon but will get stricter in 2018. So always ensure that your content is relevant and valuable to your audiences before you publish and market it.

Content Development Pros – The Finest Online Solution to Successful Content Marketing

Get Free Customized Content Marketing Analysis & Proposal for Your Website


Content Development Pros can help you avail all these advantages of content marketing spotlessly with the execution of customized content marketing plan!

Why Should You Hire Content Development Pros?

You should hire our services because our content marketing;

  • gets you high website rankings.
  • engages your target audience.
  • converts visitors into buyers.
  • lets you dominate your industry.
  • establish you as a stronger brand.
  • keeps your existing customers loyal to your brand.

What we use in content marketing for your project?

  • Articles with a greater length to establish your site as an authority in the niche
  • Blog posts too engage target audience
  • Press releases for credibility
  • Appealing infographics
  • Engaging videos
  • Mesmerizing images
  • Relevant opinion shares
  • Content sharing on social media

Contact us to now via any of the following communications means to get your content marketing project started and get tons of relevant and converting traffic to your business website from this very moment.