Coca-Cola’s Use of Gen AI for Advertising & More Industry Updates

Google Core Update for August 2023

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From Coca-Cola’s exciting uses of gen AI for marketing to TikTok testing new Creative Center tools, let's explore everything new in the world of gen AI, digital marketing, and SEO!

What Is Breaking Ground in Generative AI & Content Marketing?

6 Ways Coca-Cola Uses Gen AI for Marketing & Advertising

Coca-Cola has embraced gen AI technology, utilizing OpenAI's GPT-4, DALL·E, and Stable Diffusion for innovative advertising and marketing campaigns throughout 2023. 

The company's initiatives include a gen AI chatbot on Instagram providing local search results and an AI image generator for holiday cards powered by GPT-4 and DALL·E.

Other Coca-Cola gen AI initiatives include a user-generated content contest, video marketing featuring reimagined art, and an out-of-home advertising experience called "Destination Y3000" in Las Vegas.

Coca-Cola also managed to offer an augmented reality experience for the Y3000 flavor using Stable Diffusion. 

These campaigns highlight Coca-Cola's commitment to leveraging gen AI for creative and engaging marketing strategies, blending technology with imaginative content to captivate audiences.


Open AI & Microsoft Face New York Times Lawsuit

OpenAI and Microsoft face a New York Times lawsuit that alleges copyright infringement for training gen AI models on Times' content without consent. 

The lawsuit demands OpenAI and Microsoft "destroy" models and training data containing the disputed material and pay "billions of dollars in statutory and actual damages." 

The Times argues that the use of its content in training AI models without compensation harms its business by creating competitor products. 

This lawsuit highlights the ongoing conflict between content creators and AI vendors over the use of copyrighted material in training datasets, leading to a growing number of legal disputes.

Stay in the Know About the Latest in the SEO/Google Realm

Google’s John Mueller’s Tips to Boost Localized Traffic to EU Domain in the US

In response to a Reddit user seeking advice on driving localized traffic to a European Union (EU) domain hosted in the United States, Google Search Advocate John Mueller shared valuable insights. 

Here are the key tips:

  • Utilize Hreflang Tags: Employ hreflang tags to direct users from different European countries to the EU subdomain, ensuring relevance.

  • Server Location Flexibility: Mueller dispelled the notion that server location significantly impacts visibility, offering flexibility in hosting choices.

  • Canonical Tags for Content Duplication: Address content duplication by using canonical tags or introducing slight content variations.

  • Leverage Google Shopping Feeds: Optimize Google Shopping feeds for product listings, enhancing visibility in Shopping search results for a broader EU audience.

  • Focus on Key Pages: Prioritize homepage and high-level pages for efficient resource allocation, yielding substantial traffic improvements.

Implementing these strategies aligns with SEO best practices, aiding businesses in expanding their EU market reach effectively.


Google’s Word on Subdomain Resulting in Indexing Issue Confusion

In a recent Google Office Hours Q&A, John Mueller addressed a site indexing issue, uncovering an unexpected factor related to subdomains. 

A user reported difficulties getting content indexed on a website built with Core MVC and moved to HTTPS. Contrary to expectations, Mueller found that neither the MVC framework nor HTTPS caused the indexing problem. 

Surprisingly, the site was indexed without the www subdomain. Searching for the www version yielded limited results, while a search for the domain alone revealed proper indexing. 

This highlights the importance of considering subdomain configurations, showcasing how overlooking such details can lead to perceived indexing challenges.


Unveiling the Latest in the World of Social Media

TikTok Tested New Desktop-Based Creative Center Tools

Google Core Update for August 2023TikTok rolled out desktop-based creator tools to enhance analytics and discovery options for creators and marketers. 

The new Creative Center UI, seen by some Business account users, offers a full-screen layout for improved visibility of content performance and audience response. 

This desktop convenience benefits social media managers overseeing multiple platforms. 

Additionally, TikTok enhances its Creative Center with a conversational chatbot guide, streamlining user navigation through insights tools and offering a more intuitive experience. 

As TikTok continues to evolve, these updates aim to support creators and make the platform more accessible for strategic marketing efforts in 2024. 

The new Creative Center features are currently in testing and deployment phases.