The number of internet users has exponentially increased from 1.98 billion in 2010 to 4.90 billion in 2021. This increases user dependency on the internet to source information, especially about products and services. User habits make content creation through blog post services a viable strategy for brands, especially small businesses with limited marketing budgets.

The new-age consumer wants to know the brand and won’t just rely on in-your-face advertising. You must create impactful content to raise awareness about your business and its products and services.

But that’s not the only benefit.  Informative blog posts that educate and inform the reader build brand credibility, which is arguably the most important ingredient for converting visitors into paying customers.

The Importance of Blog Post Writing Services to Build Credibility 

Businesses, whether small or large, need to allocate their funds sensibly to draw consumer attention and gain profits.
Hiring blog writing services can really make a difference in how consumers perceive you, not to mention that blogging costs much less than traditional marketing.

A loyal customer base is an indispensable asset for any business and is worth investing in. However, keeping the digital user engaged has become a challenging task. The new age customer is more aware. They want to associate with a brand that they connect with. Blogging paves the way for creating a sense of familiarity with customers.  

Moreover, there is greater scope for building credibility and usability of your business website if you churn out informative content that provides value to the readers. Once they feel you know about the industry in which you operate, they will be more likely to buy from you.

Why Blogs?

Why Blogs

At this point, you must be wondering, there are so many options for content, so why should you focus on blog posts?

For starters, a staggering 77% of internet users read blogs, so you have a ready market.

However, make sure you’re noticed by producing informative blogs through professional blog post services. Otherwise, your efforts will be rendered futile.

If you want your brand to stand out, here are a few ways to enhance brand credibility by making the most out of informative blog posts.

5 Ways to Boost Brand Credibility Through Informative Blog Posts

1. Create Statistic-Backed Blog Content

There are hundreds of businesses selling similar products and services as you. In light of this, what makes you stand out? Why would customers choose to buy from you over your competitors? We have two words for you: brand credibility.

If you want to win market share, you must convince your customers that you are an expert in the field you operate in. A decade ago, traditional ads would have done the trick, but not anymore. In 2023, the business landscape has changed drastically, and consumers are now more actively involved in their buying journey.  

The new customer is aware. They know that ads are backed by marketing budgets and are not always a representation of reality or how much a brand knows about what they produce.

Establish Yourself as an Expert in Your Niche

To build credibility, you must make more effort, and the best way is through the popular avenue of blogging. Informative blog posts on easy-to-digest and popular topics related to your niche will let the reader know your brand is well-versed and aware. Wouldn’t you be more willing to trust (and buy) from a skincare brand that provides valuable information about skincare? We certainly would.

But instead of random information, we suggest throwing in reliable and up-to-date statistics to back your content. Unless proven by statistics or research, anything you say is mere conjecture.  

For example, stating ‘x number of people read blogs’ will make a much greater impact than saying ‘blogs are popular’. While both statements may be true, backing your blog with data and research will establish brand credibility. Nothing says ‘I know what I’m talking about’ like facts and figures.

Opt For Professional Guest Blog Post Services

Create and publish well-researched, informative blogs that prove your expertise to the reader. You can benefit from working with blog writing experts who can provide data-driven content. If your niche market is able to read your blogs and educate themselves, they will automatically assume your brand is an authority in the industry.  

2. Produce Original Content that Generates Backlinks

Millions of blogs are published every day. Having a blog isn’t enough. It must attract your target market. Brand credibility is closely linked to trust, and potential consumers will only trust you and your brand if they see other websites linking to your site.

Importance of Link Building

Importance of Link Building

You might wonder how you can create a linking network. The answer is with high-quality backlinks. Link building is still very relevant, as it paves the way for your content and, effectively, your brand to be seen by your niche.

Penetrating Google’s algorithm is not easy. There are so many businesses and content creators that cover the same material, so increasing visibility requires linking through informative and guest blogs, influencer outreach, and other value-building activities.

Posting informative blogs demands a lot of research, but it is a necessary step to produce content that is not already available on the internet. Anyone can search for other sites and produce similar content, but in order to increase credibility, content must also be unique. 

Research Similar Content 

Before you start writing on a subject, check out the first few Google search engine results to see what’s out there. The idea isn’t to rehash existing content but to discover any loopholes and gaps in the top results and work to address them. Answer any unanswered questions, or present a new perspective so users can benefit from your blog.

If you don’t have the time to do that, hire blog writing services that produce original content on the topics of your choice. There are greater chance of other sites linking to your website if your content is unique and presents more research-intensive material.

This link building will automatically redirect their viewers to your website, establishing you as an authority on the subject and in the industry. The more enriching the content, the higher the quality of backlinks you’ll generate.

Increase Visibility 

With unique content and link building, you’ll also rank higher on organic search engines like Google. Given that the first Google page accounts for 71% of search traffic clicks, you want to be as high up there as possible. With visibility and brand credibility, you can ensure your business is able to organically reach your target market.

Hire High-Quality Blog Post Services 

Content Development Pros offers blog post writing services for a range of industries. We ensure we thoroughly research the topic, write original and well-researched content and also publish it for you. With proper editing and formatting and a quick turnaround, you can get consistent access to high-quality blog posts that garner credibility for your brand.

3. Use Proper Blog Post Formatting

Use Proper Blog Post Formatting

If you see one common element in engaging blog posts, it’s great formatting. Wondering if that’s true? You’re still reading this post!

Gone are the days when blog posts were created for robots or web crawlers to rank pages on search engines. The latest and more advanced Google algorithm takes into account that these blog posts are not just accurate but also reader friendly. And blog post formatting plays a major role in that.

Here’s how.

Organize the Content 

All blogs, even informative ones, need to have some aspect of storytelling. It needs to be organized with an introduction to the topic, a middle or body, and a conclusion that sums up the text and has a CTA. As a reader, wouldn’t you like to order?  

Use Headings 

With shorter attention spans than before, readers will quickly lose interest if presented with large blocks of text. Break the text with appropriate headings or bold the important points to make the text more scannable, which is viable and kind of a necessity in today’s fast-paced world.

Keep Sentences and Paragraphs Short 

Run-on sentences never make a good impression. Frankly, no one wants to read a long sentence that is bound to lose all meaning. Similarly, keep paragraphs limited to 3 to 5 lines, so the reader doesn’t feel repelled by a seemingly endless, boring paragraph.

Add Visual Aids 

Experts assert the importance of visuals to build strong customer-brand connections, which is your ultimate goal. Know when to add images, especially in research-centric informative blog posts, to make them visually attractive to the potential reader.  

Build Credibility with Blog Formatting 

A well-formatted blog post not only engages the reader but also establishes brand credibility. When we read a blog post, it is a representation of the brand or business. A poorly formatted, badly edited blog riddled with errors will immediately make the reader question your brand.

If you didn’t invest enough time and energy in crafting a blog post for the reader, how would you fare when it comes to your products?

4. Add Industry-Relevant Keywords

The digital landscape is ever-changing. Popular keywords come and go, so you need to have a finger-on-the-pulse approach. Blogs aren’t just a way to communicate information, but they are also an opportunity to market your brand with top-ranking keywords.

Create blog posts on trending topics targeting well-research keywords that will ensure your blog pops up when someone searches for the relevant keyword.

You can use platforms such as Google trends to identify suitable keywords. When the trend is over, the blog post can go down in the archives and you can move on to the next topic instead of devoting permanent website content to it.

How to Use Keywords in Blog Posts for SEO

Keyword-targeted blog posts will appear in relevant search engine results. The people who click on your post are interested in the topic and hence, have a higher chance of buying the products and services you offer.

If your blog post ranks on Google’s first page, viewers will automatically assign credibility to your brand. With a high page ranking, you can also get an edge over your competitors with the increased traffic you receive due to keyword targeting.

Here are some of the best ways to target keywords through blog posts:

Identify Keyword Opportunities

Instead of using all ‘popular’ keywords you discover from your research, take a step back to create an SEO strategy. Perhaps, targeting popular keywords will expose you to immense competition, which may not be worth it. Use traditional keyword tools to identify keywords that suit your strategy, whether it’s using local keywords, long-tailed ones, or any other approach.

Narrow Your Topic

Writing on broad subjects will rarely land you on Google’s first page. Use a niche or address a very specific concern where you will face less competition and attract the exact audience you’re looking for.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

The old age saying, ‘less is more’ applies here too. Instead of forcing keywords into the text, which Google now sees through, use them organically. This will also boost brand credibility as you’re creating content to educate the reader and not just to attract viewers without anything fruitful to offer.

5. Maintain A Regular Posting Schedule

If consistency is not your forte, we suggest you drop the idea of blogging altogether. While your posts should not consist of in-your-face marketing, they should highlight a problem your clients face, and then gently ease your brand into the post – i.e., how your product offers a solution.

Once you start posting high-quality content, customers will start visiting your website for information. Over time as they trust your blog posts, they will effectively begin to trust your brand as well.

Trust and credibility and interlinked, after all.

To maintain that connection and rapport with your customer, ensure you post regularly! You don’t want to have gaps in between, where your prospects might seek out information that you were providing from competitors. This can prove detrimental to your customer base, and even establish you as unreliable in the eyes of your consumers.

Avail access to guest blog post services that regularly churn out blogs for your business. These blogs will not only offer information but also engage and communicate with the reader, who is ultimately your paying consumer. You don’t want a delay in posting to damage this relationship that you took months or even years to build.

Blogs That Build Brand Credibility

Creating well-researched, high-quality, and unique informative blog posts requires time, effort, and patience. If you don’t think you can commit, let the experts take over!

Content Development Pros has years of experience building brand credibility from scratch. Our ghostwriters are equipped to write on a broad range of topics, ensuring proper blog formatting, research checks, and keyword research. Get 100% original content that will create a sustainable rapport with your clients for easy scalability and increased ROI.