When it comes to generating leads and boosting conversions, nothing can beat the power of content marketing. If your current content marketing strategy is not producing the desired results, chances are you’re not doing things right. If you’re only a beginner in content writing, you may need high-quality blog writing services.

leads from blogs

Here are some effective ways to generate leads from your blog:

1. Learn More about Your Target Audience

Most marketers will take the time to understand their target audience when developing an ad campaign, but when it comes to blogging, they’ll fail to recognize the need. If you really want your blog to generate leads for your business, you’ll need to collaborate with your sales team that stays connected with your customers.

Ask the sales reps about the most common queries and concerns of your ideal customers. This way, when you begin creating content for your blog, you’ll find yourself naturally talking about the most pressing issues they’re faced with.

Use those insights to develop engaging content that directly hits their pain points. When a potential customer notices that you’re aware of their exact concerns and offer viable solutions to them, their pace along your sales funnel increases dramatically.

2. Create Content on Unique Topics

Blogging is a common practice now. When you search for a specific topic like “how to use a fire extinguisher” on Google, you’ll notice that the SERPs are filled with results for that exact term. In other words, a lot of blog posts will have already been written on the topic. If you share a blog post on the same topic, achieving a high search engine rank for the content page won’t be easy.

Instead, you should find a gap in expertise or knowledge in the blogging world. But again, it has to be a problem that your targeted users are determined to solve or something they care about. Finding a topic that genuinely interests your target audience but hasn’t been covered much on the internet will take some research. But if you can find one, the results can be incredible! All you need is a stunning post of over 1000 words, and you’ll accomplish skyrocketing growth in leads.

If you’re considering blog writing services, we recommend creating topics on your own and sending them over to professional writers. Or you can hire blog writers who can devise unique topics relevant to your target audience.

3. Use Powerful CTAs

While every digital marketer now understands the importance of CTAs, not all are experts at using them correctly. Optimizing the CTAs for lead generation is an art, in which design and placement are crucial.

Many bloggers will position a CTA at the end of a blog post and there’s nothing wrong with it. Readers need to be told what they should do next after reading the post, so ending the post with an invitation to sign up, contact, install, download, subscribe, click or read another post is a great decision. But the problem is that a large number of readers don’t read the full post. So, a reader who leaves your article when they’re half way through it will never see your CTA, representing a lost lead. Here is an example of strategic CTA placements:

CTAs on HubSpot website

Thus, consider including multiple CTAs in several places on your blog post so that more of the readers see can see it. The more users exposed to your CTA, the higher will be your leads. Some of the places to consider adding CTAs include top of the page, middle of the post, as a full-screen overlay, in the sidebar, as a sliding popup, as a scrolling or floating popup.

When it comes to design, use bold, striking colors for CTA buttons that can will be easily visible to readers. When including a CTA somewhere in-between the text, don’t forget to add a hyperlink and make in underlined for better visibility.

On top of that, make sure your CTA is persuasive, action-oriented, visual, value-driven, and creates a sense of urgency. However, this doesn’t mean you make it too extreme like, “Buy a Powerbank NOW!” Such CTAs will only scare away users. Hire blog writers who are experienced in content marketing. They know how to strike the right balance between action-oriented and overly aggressive CTAs.

4. Encourage Readers to Subscribe to Emails

For many brands, generating leads means getting more email subscribers. If this sounds like you, leverage your blog content to achieve that goal. When an online user finds one of your blog posts for the first time and finds it insightful, they won’t likely make a purchase decision or sign up for a paid subscription right away. There’s a great chance they’ll want to consume more of your valuable content in the future.

They may or may not come back to read more of your posts, but rather than depending on them, why not deliver content directly to their inbox. For that, you’ll need to encourage them to subscribe for your emails when they read your content for the first time. Use a strategically-placed, compelling CTA somewhere on the page to do this. The link should direct them to simple subscription form with minimal fields.

Once you have the emails of readers, you can go on to send new blog posts directly to them. As they move ahead in their buyer journey, you can share discount-related updates and sales pitches via email so they start converting.

5. Provide Content Upgrades

One of the most compelling ways to generate leads is to offer content upgrades, which can simply be marketing offers or specific lead magnet related to your blog post. The idea is to offer something of more value than the information you’ve provided through the content. For instance, a post on how to set up Google Analytics can be accompanied by a video tutorial explaining the procedure in detail. Alternatively, offer a short free PDF document summarizing the main points your article.

Content upgrades like these tend to stand out from other common tactics marketers are using such as CTAs and pop ups. No doubt content upgrades can be more time-consuming than these to set up, but they’ll prove way more effective in generating leads.

When using content upgrades that demand an action such as downloading a PDF or eBook, require the users to give up their contact details such as email address in return.

6. Influence Decisions

When it comes to sharing personal details on the internet, users are logically cynical and reluctant. And ultimately, everything comes down to possessing the ability to build trust, and persuade and influence decisions. Here are some of the weapons you can use to your advantage:

Authority: People normally trust an authority figure like a doctor, lawyer, professor, or police officer. Similarly, if you wish to build trust and influence decisions, you’ll need to prove yourself as a subject-matter expert in your field. Some easy ways to become an authority in your niche or industry include:

  • Frequently guest posting on high-profile sites.
  • Engaging on social media.
  • Displaying your relevant experience, training, and other former credentials.
  • Speaking at events and conferences.
  • Addressing queries on Quora.

Social Proof: The intelligent, modern customer wants to know what your past customers have to say about you before taking an action. If you’ve been serving people for a while, use customer reviews, testimonials, names of companies you’ve worked with, subscription numbers, “featured in” or “as seen on” section, and social media following. When it comes to convincing new visitors, these facts prove incredibly effective.

Reciprocity: When you do some favor to a site visitor, they automatically feel obligated to “return the favor”. Apart from consistently providing your readers with useful tips and genuinely valuable content, provide additional offers such as a free eBook in return for giving you their email address.

Likeability: This one’s natural. Users are naturally willing to trust or share their details with those they find likable and agreeable. That’s not something impossible to achieve. All you need to do is stay positive, entertaining, engaging, friendly, approachable, relatable, and helpful with your writing style and overall content.

7. Promote Your Content on Other Channels

If you’re a marketer managing social media profile for a brand, you may have come across times when you’re unsure about what to share next. Blog posts are a great way to post consistently on social media. Your followers and fans will not just be interested in reading them but many of them will also share them on their feeds. This will further boost brand awareness.

Even if a social media user viewing your posts from time to time is not even aware of what you sell, chances are they’ll get to know about it as well as more about your business six months down the line. If your blog posts are insightful and you keep sharing them on social media consistently, the practice will help your brand accomplish top-of-the-mind recall. When it comes to making a purchase decision, your brand will be the top thing that comes to their mind.

You Will Need Experienced Blog Writers

Now that you’re aware of some valuable ways to generate leads from your blog, it’s time to take action. Following the aforementioned tips should help your business generate highly qualified leads, that is, users who will be genuinely interested in what you offer and will most likely make a purchase decision in the future. To implement these tactics, you must hire blog writers who specialize in creating content that’s relevant to your niche.


Now that you’re aware of some valuable ways to generate leads from your blog, it’s time to take action! Hire blog writers who specialize in creating content that’s relevant to your niche.