Your website is the online identity of your business and one of its most effective marketing tools. That means updating, innovating, and investing in it is not an option.

When we say website redesign, it doesn’t necessarily mean a complete overhaul of the site — it can mean small updates or improved functionality that can make the overall user experience better.

There is no single website in the world that is completely perfect and every website will need improvement at one point or another.  As a website owner, you need to pay special attention to monitoring your website and identifying areas of weakness. No matter how long your site has been established for, a poorly performing website means lost opportunities, both in new customers and company profit.

At the end of the day, your website design should be engaging and offer excellent customer experience, which can then ultimately transform into an improved bottom line for your business.

To help you create a better website, let us take a look at the three reasons why you should redesign your website:

You Want to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

No matter how well done your website is, it won’t make an iota of difference if no one can see it. To bring traffic to your website, you will need to optimize it for search engines.

Drive More Traffic to Your Website

One of the best ways to do that is to create an effective content strategy. Websites that have a blog feature are 434% more likely to get a high search engine rank.

It is also important that you conduct keyword research to find out the most important search terms and queries used by people and incorporate them into the titles, body, meta tags, and URLs of your website and blog page. This will help the search engine crawlers, as well as your visitors, to understand the relevance and value of your content.

You Want to Convert Your Traffic to Leads

Even if you are successful in driving a lot of traffic to your website, it won’t matter if you are unable to convert the visitors into a lead. For that, you need a clear and comprehensive conversion strategy.

Your website needs to inform your visitors about what your business is, what it does, and whether they are your target audience. It should then persuade the visitors to take the next step and become a paying customer.

If you are looking to improve leads, find out whether your current platform supports integration between your website and a CRM automation software. If not, you should consider migrating to another CRM that offers you built-in functionalities and tools.

You Want to Rebrand Your Website

If you want to portray yourself as a serious and professional company, you need to convey a strong brand image that offers a correct representation of your company and captures its essence.

To do that, you should invest in getting a consistent look and feel for your site. Even small discrepancies, like having a different color scheme or another type of navigation system on pages, can confuse and alarm visitors.

If your site has grown significantly in the past few years, you should revisit your brand guidelines to ensure a cohesive and unified style. This includes all marketing elements, including the color palette, the font considerations, iconography, the button and hyperlink styles, navigation menu and more.

If you want to properly rebrand your site, it is a good idea to hire the services of an experienced website design agency that uses state-of-the-art and flexible tools to create a personalized website.

Is That the Time? When to Redesign Your Website

Now that you have reviewed the core reasons why a website redesign should take place, let us take a look at some of the signs that show you a website redesign is imminent.


Your Website Has Poor User Experience

Nothing is more frustrating than landing on a website that offers you a poor experience. A website experience is determined by the following elements:

User Interface Design: The visuals of your website across multiple devices need to be consistent, intuitive, and match your users’ expectations.

Information Architecture Strategy: Your website should be organized in a way that your users expect.

If you get these things correct, it can mean the difference between a higher lead count and a higher bounce rate.

Your Website Has a High Bounce Rate

A high bounce rate indicates that the user left your website after visiting a single page on your site.  The average bounce rate is about 40 to 55 percent, which means 40 to 55 out of every 100 visitors left the website after visiting a single page.

Though this could also mean that the information that the users were looking for was found by visiting a single page, a consistently high bounce rate usually means a website with poor customer experience.

So if your bounce rate is consistently high, it means that most people are not finding your website engaging enough to visit other pages.

This calls for a website redesign.

Your Website Lacks Micro-Experiences

A micro-experience is basically a small-scale but meaningful interaction across your customer journey that makes your online experience all the more immersive and special. It can be anything, from a small pop-up window for customer feedback or even an animation — or something else entirely.

These micro-experience can make for a more engaging experience that will grab the user’s attention and convince them to stay longer.

It is a good idea to incorporate this strategy as part of your website redesign.

Your Website Needs More Functionality

As your traffic grows, you will need to scale up your website and add new functionalities to it to meet the expectations of your visitors. For example, you may add multi-language content, improve your navigation, incorporate a smart content filter, and add personalized elements to make sure visitors find what they are looking for quickly and in an engaging way.

Your Website Needs More Functionality

This type of platform will be able to support the growth of your site over the long term.

Your Website is Not Responsive or Mobile-Friendly

A responsive website is specifically designed for all screen sizes and types and can improve a customer’s experience, even when they are viewing it on a small screen. Since mobile search is highly popular and over 50% of people buy online, it is imperative that your website be optimized for both desktop and mobile use.

If your website has not been updated in a few years, chances are that it is not mobile-friendly. This means that you may be losing tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of traffic or even more.

Your Website is Not Considering Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics Google uses to measure a website’s user experience. These metrics include (Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) that relates to load time; First Input Delay (FID) that relates to interactivity and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) that relates to visual stability. Every individual page of your website is scored on these metrics on both desktop and mobile versions.

Typically, you want your Core Web Vitals to be better than the competitors’ so that you have a better likelihood of ranking against them.

These receive a “Good” score on a Core Web Vitals metric, 75% of the visits to your site need to have a good experience. For loading performance or LCP, a good score is if your page loads within 2.5 seconds; for interactivity or FID, a good score is 100 millisecond or less; and for visual stability or CLS, a good score is 0.1 or less.

core web vitals

If you have a good score across all three metrics, you pass the Core Web Vitals assessment, which means your page delivers a positive user experience. As such, Google will reward you for having a quick loading time, good interactivity, and strong visual stability.

Your Website Has Difficult Navigation

Your visitors expect to move easily and seamlessly around your website. You don’t want them to struggle to find the information they want. If your website has poor navigation, there is a big chance your visitors will not stay to find the information; they will leave your site for the competitor’s.

If you suspect your site has difficult navigation, it is important to test it and see how navigable it is. If others are struggling to find the relevant pages, you need to revamp your navigation and categorize your tabs and buttons so that your visitors can access the information easily.

Your Website is Slow

Do you know that approximately 50% of your website visitors want your site to load in just 2 seconds and more than 40% will abandon your site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load?

A slow website can be caused by various factors, including using a cheap hosting company, unnecessary or bad coding, unoptimized images, or incorporation of heavy elements. To speed up your website, you will need to run a diagnosis and find out what is causing the problem and fix it.

If you ignore this issue, you will not just be losing visitors, but it will also negatively impact the SEO of your website, which means it will no longer show in the top results of the search engine page — which, again, will make you lose even more traffic.

Your Website Lacks Industry-Specific Design Trends

With the way website design is evolving, it is necessary to give your website a boost every two or three years. These days, websites are focusing on a more flat, clean and minimalistic look as opposed to complex designs. However, that does not mean that you should jump on the bandwagon and revamp your website design for no reason.

To determine whether your website actually needs redesigning, you need to consider whether the redesign will benefit how your brand is perceived and if many of your competitors are incorporating the new design trends.

Based on this information, you can decide whether a website design is worth your while.

Your Website is Not Secured

One of the biggest concerns for a website owner is cyber security. If you haven’t updated your website for years, it may be in greater danger of malicious attacks and malware. It also means that your customers won’t feel confident doing business with you if they are not sure their private information will remain safe.

Your Website is Not Secured

To gain customer trust, you need to secure your website with Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, preventing unauthorized users from accessing the data transmitted to and from your website.

Your Website Requires Constant Troubleshooting

There may be major issues with your website if you spend a lot of time troubleshooting various issues and your customers keep asking for technical support.

If you spend a lot of time repairing your website instead of looking for ways to optimize it, chances are you need to revamp its CMS, hosting features, shopping cart functionalities, or even the overall framework of the website. In addition, if your site is not scalable and cannot grow with growing traffic, it will crash and lose customers.

Get Your Website Redesigned Today

A website redesign can help improve the perception of your business and can help it get a fresh start. Now that we are in a post-COVID era and are well into 2022, it is time to consider how to improve your website design to pick up your business.

At Content Development Pros, we can help you generate valuable traffic that can convert into paying customers for you. If you are looking for the best website design service in the market, we have you covered.

Reach out to us today and order a website redesign that can help boost your performance and increase your bottom line — which is the ultimate goal of any business.