When you think “digital marketing,” you probably don’t associate it with newsletters. You might even be of the opinion that newsletters are old-school. However, you will be surprised to know that email newsletters are still incredibly effective when it comes to creating a relationship with your customers (more on that later) and keeping people informed about the happenings of your business.
Couple that with the fact that email newsletters are inexpensive and have a high ROI, and you’ve got a marketing tool that you can leverage to really boost your reputation and your sales.
Have we piqued your interest? Great! Here are some more benefits of newsletters for businesses.
1 – They create a relationshipand buildtrust with your clients.
A newsletter is a mode of communication that helps create trust between your business and your clients. And every new edition of your newsletter increases this trust as you share more about yourself.
So the next time a customer is walking by your products or contemplating picking you among different competitors in your market, this trust will help your newsletter readers choose your product or service over your competition.
2 – Newsletters stabilize your marketing endeavors.
No business starts off with a great market reputation right off the bat. You’ve got to work at it, and if you’re thinking of building your business through email newsletters, you’re on the right track.
By giving your readers content that is both informative and entertaining through quality newsletter writing, you’re showing readers that you’re knowledgeable and considerate.
Your customers will cheer you for your keenness to share relevant and interesting industry information with them.
3 – Newsletters stabilize your marketing endeavors.
If your business’s newsletter content is written well, your readers will look forward to the next issue, which you may print out weekly, monthly or quarterly.
This works in tandem with most other marketing endeavors, which are individually not continuous and thus will not always work. As they say, out of sight, out of mind.
A great email newsletter benefit is that since it is periodical, it helps smooth the overall marketing endeavors of your business.
4 – You get to showcase your expertise through your newsletter.
Newsletters content will inevitably contain interesting, informative pieces on relevant industry topics. Through clever newsletter writing, you can show off your business’ expertise. The inclusion of informative newsletter content will subtly imprint your knowledge and hence your dependability into the minds of your clients.
5 – Increase website traffic through Newsletters.
It’s okay to wonder why you need an email newsletter in the first place. Well, it’s a great way to get some traffic to your site.
Well-crafted newsletter content will exclude sales pitches. However, some crafty newsletter writing will carefully weave in special promotions that will give the readers reasons to visit your website.
Put your website’s address on every newsletter (make it a part of the template), regardless of any promotion to ensure the readers have a clear road to your website.
6 – Increase referrals through Newsletters.
Effective email marketing for small business owners leads to referrals which is a vital cog in the brand image creation process.
Suffice to say, you must put an easily accessible ‘Share with a friend’ button one every E-Newsletter that you send out. Why make it hard for readers who like your content to share your content.
Again, just to drive home the point. Referral traffic is essential for small business owners looking to build their clientele, and email newsletters help!
7 – Newsletters provide business exposure.
The objective of every advertising campaign is to get the maximum business/brand exposure. One of the benefits of newsletter marketing is that this medium has the inherent quality to boost business exposure without the risks associated with other aggressive marketing methods.
If the newsletter content has its fair share of interesting information in the industry, your business will naturally get a lot of exposure as readers look forward to the newsletters. Watch a short video.
8 – Newsletters breed a familiarity that does NOT breed contempt.
The steady flow of your quality newsletters will make your readers feel a part of your business. This will obviously depend on the quality of newsletter writing where that familiarity takes your relationship with your clients.
If you don’t know how to write a newsletter, you need someone who does.
9 – Newsletters enhance your public relations.
As an accepted form of public relations, you can use newsletters to subtlety yet effectively promote your products and services or make announcements.
10 – Newsletters boost sales!
Among other things, newsletters are entertaining, informative and insightful. Yet they are all designed for one ultimate purpose, that of generating sales. If the newsletter content is well crafted, then you will be able to achieve all reasons in the list, which will ultimately result in the achieving of this definitive reason.
Newsletters boost sales, and more sales ideally means more profit. However, if you want a piece of this profit pie, you need an effective newsletter writing service to make the most of the benefits of newsletters.