Blog Writing: How Long-Form Blogs Can Benefit Marketers

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As a marketer, you need to constantly seek different ways to engage your audience and stand out in your industry. One such tried and tested method is to leverage long-form blog writing, which has the potential to help you unlock your business goals, regardless of how competitive your market may be.

Long-form blogs are in-depth and comprehensive blog posts and guides that delve into different topics across your industry and provide immense value to your readers.

Crafting long-form content might require more time and effort, but the rewards make it worthwhile. From improving your SEO to increasing engagement and building credibility, long-form content deserves your utmost attention.

So, let's explore why long-form content is crucial for your marketing efforts.


What Are Long-Form Blogs?

Long-form blogs are detailed posts or articles that offer in-depth information on various subjects. These blogs are longer and more comprehensive than standard blogs and articles.

Typically, long-form blogs are content pieces ranging from 2,000 to several thousand words. Internet users turn to long-form blogs when they need to understand everything about a given topic.

These SEO blogs offer immense value to the reader. They aim to educate the reader by offering comprehensive insights on particular topics the reader is interested in learning more about.

Get Professionally-Written Long-Form Blogs

CDP’s experienced writers can write high-quality, original, and relevant long-form power blogs for your business today!

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11 Benefits of Long-Form Blog Writing for Marketers

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Let’s explore some undeniable benefits of long-form blogs for marketers:

Impactful Search Engine Optimization for Improved Rankings

Long-form content, such as SEO blogs, often ranks higher in search results than blog posts with a lower word count.

In fact, according to a Hubspot report, content with word count ranging 2,250-2,500 earns the most organic traffic.

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Search engines like Google tend to favor long-form SEO blogs.

Since a long-form blog is more in-depth and covers all the essential aspects of a single topic instead of just giving a quick overview, search engines deem it more valuable.

It explains the higher ranking of long-form content.

Additionally, when you engage in long-form blog writing, you have more opportunities to naturally include ample keywords and key phrases that match your industry’s user searches.

Want to learn all about SEO and make vital site updates to boost your ranking?

Read Our Blog Post: “How to Get Your Website to the Top of Google!”

Your liberal and organic use of industry keywords helps Google deem your blog posts as high-quality and helpful to users. Consequently, the search engine recommends it to users.

So, by using long-form blog writing, you have a better shot of a higher ranking in search results, driving organic traffic to your website.

More Internal Linking Opportunities & Quality Backlinks

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Long-form blog writing offers you additional opportunities to link to other crucial content on your site. It improves your site’s user experience by enhancing navigation.

Internal linking also assists search engines in comprehending your site's layout.

Moreover, high-quality, comprehensive long-form content is more likely to draw backlinks from other websites and bloggers.

In fact, when it comes to acquiring more backlinks, long-form blogs consistently outperform shorter blog posts and articles.

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Having more backlinks to your site can significantly improve its domain authority. It will also bolster your SEO endeavors.

Stronger Online Presence

Long-form blogs can help you create a strong online presence. High-quality, comprehensive, and consistent blog writing demonstrates your authority and commitment to delivering valuable information.

It helps your brand become a trusted and credible source of information in your industry. This reputation and your content’s quality boosts your website traffic.

More and more people feel compelled to share your valuable content, which amplifies your brand visibility and audience reach.

Additionally, long-form blogs delve deep into specific topics, offering more insights than shorter content. It helps drive brand engagement and user experience. It ultimately cultivates brand loyalty.

Increased Dwell Time

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Publishing longer, more in-depth, and well-researched content encourages readers to stay on your page for extended periods.

The longer visitors linger on your page before heading back to search engine results, the more value your page provides to online users. It can reduce your bounce rates.

A dwell time of one to two minutes is considered good because it suggests that your content aligns with the visitor's interests, and it's likely they've consumed your content.

It signals to Google that your content is both relevant and of high quality. It can contribute to an improved search engine ranking.

More Social Media Shares

Well-researched and informative long-form blogs are more likely to be shared on social media than shorter pieces.

In fact, content with a word count of more than 2,500 words generates the most social media shares.

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When your audience shares your content, it increases your brand's visibility and can lead to a broader reach.

Additionally, the more people share your long-form blogs, the more your site’s traffic will grow, boosting your SERP ranking.

Improved Brand Credibility

Long-form blogs can significantly enhance your brand's credibility, a crucial aspect in today's information-rich world where trust is essential.

When you craft in-depth, informative content related to your industry, you showcase your knowledge and deep understanding of the subject matter.

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It helps position you as an expert and thought leader in your field.

Moreover, offering valuable information through long-form blogs reflects your brand's commitment to informing and helping your audience rather than just selling your product or services to them.

It builds trust and establishes a positive reputation for your brand.

Itching to build your brand’s online reputation and become a credible source of information in your industry?

Read Our Blog Post on How to Improve Brand Credibility Through Informative Blog Posts!”

Boosted Audience Engagement

Long-form blogs are a crucial tool for engaging your audience as they offer a wealth of information and delve deep into specific topics. It helps maintain your audience's attention.

By delivering valuable information and sharing your expertise, you build a connection with your audience. This fosters trust and paves the way for ongoing engagement.

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Long-form content often sparks more comments and shares compared to shorter pieces. It initiates conversations and encourages interaction with your audience.

When people invest more time reading your content, they are more likely to remember the information they've gained.

This contributes to improved retention and facilitates future engagement with your audience. It also opens the door for you to nurture client relationships.

Effective Lead Generation

You can use long-form blogs as impactful lead generation tools. Include lead magnets such as whitepapers, templates, ebooks, or email sign-up forms within your long-form blog posts.

This way, when a potential customer reads your blog post, they can sign up for your offering, becoming a lead for your business.

Long-form blogs work well for lead generation because they have a higher chance of ranking high on SERPs compared to shorter content.

Interested in learning more about lead magnets and how you can use them for your business?

Read Our Blog Post on “What Are Lead Magnets & How to Get Awesome Results!”

Significantly Longer Shelf-Life

Long-form blogs often have the quality of being evergreen. Their enduring relevance makes them a valuable asset for marketers seeking to establish a lasting online presence.

Evergreen content provides long-term value to readers, reducing the need for frequent updates or maintenance. Its timeless nature contributes to consistent traffic.

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For users, long-form blogs serve as a continuous source of learning and reference, reinforcing brand trust and loyalty.

This content's enduring appeal also facilitates promotional efforts across various marketing channels, ensuring consistent engagement with the audience.

Unique Monetization Opportunities

Monetization for long-form blog posts can be a crucial source of revenue for your business. There are several strategies you can employ to generate income from your content.

First, affiliate marketing is a popular choice, where you promote products or services relevant to your content through affiliate links.

When readers make a purchase through these links, you earn a commission, making it a potential source of passive income.

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You can also choose display advertising, i.e., placing ads within your blog posts. Use ad networks like Google AdSense or work directly with advertisers to earn revenue through clicks.

Additionally, you can promote your own products and services within your long-form content, creating a direct sales channel while building trust and credibility with your audience.

By implementing these monetization strategies, long-form blog posts can become a reliable and diverse source of income, depending on your audience, niche, and content quality.

Improved Conversion Rates

Long-form blogs can lead to significantly higher conversion rates, particularly when they are skillfully structured with persuasive elements and incorporate clear calls to action (CTAs).

When designed effectively, a long-form blog can inform and engage your readers and guide them towards taking specific desired actions.

These desired actions include:

  • Making a purchase
  • Signing up for a newsletter
  • Filling out a contact form

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The extended format of the blog enables you to thoroughly address your audience's concerns and questions, building trust and credibility along the way. It encourages them to perform the desired action.

Moreover, long-form blogs excel in demonstrating your expertise and authority on a subject, which can further boost conversion rates.

When readers perceive your content as a credible resource, they are more likely to trust your recommendations and act on your CTAs.

Furthermore, the extended nature of these posts enables you to incorporate social proof, case studies, and testimonials more effectively, which can be powerful tools for convincing potential customers.

So, well-structured long-form blogs can become a cornerstone of your conversion optimization strategy, enhancing your ability to turn readers into loyal customers or leads.

Tips for Effective Long-Form Blog Writing

Let’s discover some useful tips that will help you in impactful long-form blog writing that appeals to your target audience:

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Understand Your Target Audience

To create compelling, enduring content, it's essential to know and connect with your audience. Spend time interacting with them, ask questions, and address topics that matter to them.

Put yourself in your target audience’s shoes, identify their challenges or pain points, and consider how you can provide solutions to them through your writing.

Pay close attention to the feedback your followers provide, and use it to shape your future content. Ask them about their interests and what they'd like to learn more about.

Be Patient & Consistent

Building meaningful connections takes time, so be patient and consistent in your blog writing efforts.

When you consistently share valuable content that resonates with your target audience, they'll keep coming back for more.

Once your audience connects with your long-form blogs, they’ll drive your brand engagement and loyalty.

You might not see results right away, but your commitment will lead to positive word-of-mouth marketing and increased website traffic.

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Write Highly Valuable, Relevant SEO Blogs

All long-form blog readers want in-depth content on their searched topic. So, you must ensure your long-form blogs are valuable and relevant to your audience.

Monitor the traffic each blog receives and take steps to update older posts with fresh data or new ideas.

Your existing readers will appreciate seeing their favorite articles getting a refresh. Additionally, new visitors will find value in discovering your evergreen posts.

Ensure that everything you write provides value. Quality beats quantity, so focus on creating one outstanding post rather than churning out several mediocre ones.

Lastly, write SEO blogs to ensure your content drives maximum traffic to your website. Focus on using the right industry keywords and incorporate high-authority links and high-quality images for search-optimized content.

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Strategize for Effective Content Promotion

Relying on luck alone won't make your blogs successful in the long run. To effectively create lasting content, you need a well-planned promotional strategy.

You can start by sending regular emails to your newsletter subscribers. Reach out to influencers and explore opportunities for collaboration.

Additionally, consider featuring your content prominently on your company's homepage, as it's often the most viewed page. You can also share it with potential customers via email marketing.

Long-form content is a powerful tool for promoting your business, allowing you to break it down into a series through social media marketing.

For instance, create a single comprehensive blog post each month. From this content, batch-produce and schedule social media posts for the entire month.

It will free you up from the constant stress of being on social media platforms round the clock.

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Use Visuals to Enhance Your Blog Posts

Long-form blogs can sometimes overwhelm readers due to their length, but using effective headings and visuals can make your content easier to skim.

If your content is visually appealing, you can keep readers on your website page for longer. Blog posts with visual elements effectively boost reader engagement compared to text-only content.

Infographics, photographs, graphs, screenshots, and other visual elements will break up the monotony of text and provide your readers with a necessary visual context.

Get creative with your content; use videos and make small adjustments to significantly improve the appeal of your blog posts.

Work With a Blog Writing Expert

If you’re too busy to write high-quality, valuable, extensive SEO blogs that serve your audience, work with blog writing experts who are up for the task.

When working with professional writers, you can rest easy as they have the experience to produce top-notch long-form content with equally pleasing and relevant visuals.

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Long-form blogs written by experts can help you achieve your business goals, offer value to your audience, and increase your site traffic with excellent SEO.

Are Long-Form Blogs the Cornerstone of Your Content Strategy?

Long-form blogs can be a valuable asset in your marketing strategy.

They offer the immense potential to drive organic traffic, engage your audience, establish authority, and ultimately contribute to the growth of your brand.

However, you must remember that long-form blogs alone cannot be the solution to your content woes.

Strike a balance in your content strategy by using log-form blogs and shorter, more concise blog posts to cater to a variety of reader preferences and needs.

This way, you can develop an effective content plan that helps you with your SEO, lead generation, and conversion strategies.

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CDP - Premium Blog Writing Services

At CDP, we offer professional blog writing services to marketers, businesses, and agencies. Our seasoned writers can create valuable long-form blog content for your target audience.

Here are some of the industries that we have written long-form blogs for:

  • Information Technology
  • Food & Beverages
  • Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Business
  • Science
  • Gaming
  • Tourism
  • Restaurants
  • Legal
  • Software
  • Design & more!

All our content is professionally edited, thoroughly proofread, and 100% original. We also offer 24/7 customer support to our clients so they can get timely updates on their long-form blog posts.

Connect With CDP Today!

Looking for expert blog writers who can bring your blog ideas to life and help you attain your business goals?

Get CDP’s premium blog writing services for engaging SEO long-form content today!

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